On the other hand, paid claims of insurers grew by 1%, amounting to EUR 26.9 million in December 2011.
The characteristic of young market is strongly supported by the practiced insurance lines, compulsory insurance and TPL policies remaining the main activities offered in the Kosovo insurance market. MTPL policies accumulated 59% of the total GWP, marking an annual increase of 12.8%. In the category of claims paid, MTPL again represent the largest category with 67% (annual decrease of 6%).
Ten insurance companies operate on the non-life insurance market in Kosovo, which has been independent since 2000, some of them members of well-known European insurance entities like VIG, UNIQA, GRAWE, CROATIA or SAVA Re.
At the same time, private life insurance has only been available since 2008 and only one life insurer is acting on the Kosovo's life insurance market.
Access www.xprimm.com and download the FY2011 Kosovo insurance market statistics.
Market portfolio:
- Gross written premiums
- Paid claims
- Growth rates