Per insurance classes, the Motor TPL classes dominate the aggregate GWP portfolio accounting for 60.75% of total. Of this figure, the Domestic Motor TPL policies accounted for 48.84% (or EUR 8.81 million), while the Border policies generate about 11.91% (EUR 2.15 million). The share of voluntary insurance classes increased from 36.54% (in 1Q2014) to 39.25% at the end of March 2015.
According to the figures published by the insurance market authority, in January-March 2015, Kosovo's insurers issued a total of 200.62 thousand policies - of which only 70.02 thousand were Domestic Motor TPL policies and 75.03 thousand - Border policies. A year before, the number of issued policies was 188.03 thousand (of which 72.23 thousand were Domestic Motor TPL policies and 69.14 - Border insurance).
Access and download the 1Q2015 Kosovo insurance market statistics.