

Location map
author: OCHA/ ReliefWeb

- Central Europe;
- Neighbours: Hungary, Austria, Czechia, Poland, Ukraine.

- temperate climate;
- cool summers;
- cold, cloudy, humid winters.

Macro indicators
* 2018 estimates
Pop. density*:110.9people/km2
GDP*:90.2EUR billion

European Union:
EU member, since 2004

Currency: Euro
Code: EUR
Since: 2009
- replaced Slovak koruna (SKK)

Insurance market portfolio
* 2018 estimates
Overall Property*:12%
Overall Motor*:31%



STATISTICS: Slovak Rep. 1Q202.: SLASPO members GWP increased by 4.18% y-o-y to EUR 680 million

According to the quarterly market data published by SLASPO (Slovak Insurance Association), at the end of March 2022, total GWP from the members of the association totaled EUR 679.52 million, up by 4.18% y-o-y. Premiums written in life insurance increased by 3.46% y-o-y to EUR 259.81 million, while non-life segment was up by 4.63% y-o-y to EUR 419.71 million.

Slovakia: Former NBS Director sentenced to prison for taking bribes

The Supreme Court of Slovakia sentenced Ivan BARRI, a former Director of the Securities Market, Insurance and Pension Savings Department of the National Bank of Slovakia, to five years in prison in case of the bankruptcy of former life insurer Rapid Life, local media announced.

STATISTICS: Slovak FY2021 insurers' business decreased to EUR 2.15 bn, NBS figures reveal

At the end of December 2021, the Slovak insurance market totaled EUR 2.15 billion, 3.34% less y-o-y, according to the FY2021 statistics published by the National Bank of Slovakia (NBS).

In GWP terms, the life insurance segment was down by 2.56% y-o-y to EUR 911.73 million, these types of policies generating 42.42% of the total insurance market, while the non-life classes accounted for EUR 1.23 billion (or 57.58% of total GWP), down by 3.92% y-o-y.

Overall, the value of paid claims by local insurers decreased by 7.80% y-o-y to EUR 1.16 billion, of which EUR 627.48 million related to life indemnities, EUR 214.57 million - Motor TPL claims, EUR 188.89 million- MoD payments, EUR 84.21 million - payments on Fire and other damages to property policies.

STATISTICS: Slovakia: SLASPO members FY2021 GWP increased by 2.4% y-o-y to EUR 2.5 bn

According to the year-end preliminary statistics published by SLASPO (Slovak Insurance Association), the FY 2021 GWP from the members of the association totaled EUR 2.48 billion, up by 2.44% y-o-y. Premiums written in life insurance decreased by 0.8% y-o-y to EUR 1.05 billion, while non-life segment was up by 4.9% y-o-y to EUR 1.43 billion.

STATISTICS: Slovakia: SLASPO members 9 months GWP increased 1.2% y-o-y

According to the quarterly market figures published by SLASPO (Slovak Insurance Association), at the end of September 2021, total GWP from the members of the association totaled EUR 1.86 billion, up by 1.2% y-o-y. Premiums written in life insurance decreased by 3% y-o-y to EUR 772 million, while non-life segment was up by 4.4% y-o-y to EUR 1.08 billion.

STATISTICS: Slovak Rep: Insurers Q1 profits expanded by 55% y-o-y to EUR 51.59 m

In the first three months of 2021, the Slovak insurance market totaled EUR 601 million, 4.4% less y-o-y, according to the quarterly financial figures published by the National Bank of Slovakia (NBS).

The profits of local insurers amounted to EUR 51.59 million, which was a 55% increase as compared to end-March 2020 (EUR 31.3 million), as official statistics show.

Generali Ceska pojistovna to merge with Generali Slovakia

Generali CEE Holding announced the merger of its Czech and Slovak units: Generali Ceska pojistovna and Generali Slovakia. Generali in Slovakia will operate as a branch of Generali Ceska pojistovna, under the name Generali Poistovna, a branch of an insurance company from another Member State.

Slovak Rep., SLASPO: Less GWP but more profits during 2020

The YE2020 preliminary figures on insurance activity published by SLASPO (the proffesional association of Slovak insurers) show that the insurers active on local market (domestic and EU branches) generated during last year less premiums, but they were more profitable.