UKRAINE: in 1H2024, the amount of Green Card paid claims increased by 19% y-o-y

21 August 2024 — Marina MAGNAVAL
In January-June 2024, the number of claims involving Ukrainian drivers abroad under Green Card policies increased by 12.8% y-o-y and reached 8,000 cases, Forinsurer writes with reference to the MTIBU (Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine).

According to the MTIBU, total amount paid under such claims is EUR 26 million, which is 19% more y-o-y.

It is noted that such growth is due to an increase in the average amount of damage and the frequency of insurance claims abroad compared to the previous year.

In the first half of 2024, the largest number of settled claims under Green Card policies was recorded by USG (1,715 cases, EUR 5.6 million). Also, a significant number of settled claims for the period under review was reported by TAS, GUARDIAN, KNYAZHA and PZU Ukraine.