Climate: - temperate continental; - Mediterranean only on the southern Crimean coast; - precipitation disproportionately distributed, highest in west and north, lesser in east and southeast; - winters vary from cool along the Black Sea to cold farther inland; - summers are warm across the greater part of the country, hot in the south.
Macro indicators
* 2018 estimates
Pop. density*:
EUR billion
Currency: Hryvnia Code: UAH Since: 1996
Insurance market portfolio * 2018 estimates
Overall Property*:
Overall Motor*:
Sources: Starting July 1st, 2020, the National Bank of Ukraine took over all activities of financial market regulator, the State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services of Ukraine
Euroins Ukraine, a subsidiary of the international insurance group Euroins Insurance Group (EIG), in January-May 2023, maintained its financial stability and fulfilled all obligations to customers, fully meeting the requirements of the market regulator, Forinsurer reports.
The expenses of Ukrainian insurance companies related to conclusion and renewal of non-life insurance contracts (acquisition costs) for 1Q2023 amounted to UAH 2.58 billion, including remuneration to agents of UAH 2.37 billion, Forinsurer reports.
According to the 1Q results, the insurance sector of Ukraine grew by 6.22% to UAH 10.11 billion, based on the data published by the National Bank. The market was supported by non-life insurance, while life insurance dropped by almost 13%.
The key market drivers in 2022 were MTPL, Green Card and Motor Hull. Their total share exceeded 49% of the market portfolio. In 2022 MTIBU member insurance companies settled 110.6 thousand claims (-36.2% y-o-y) and paid about UAH 2.8 billion (-24.1%) to road accident victims, as was noted at the MTIBU General Meeting on 18th of May 2023.
One of the leaders in the insurance sector of Ukraine, ARX ended 1Q2023 with an increase in many indicators. The amount of collected premiums reached UAH 781.6 million (+27%)/~EUR 19.56 million*, and paid claims - UAH 303.5 million, which is 12% more y-o-y, Forinsurer reports. The number of contracts concluded with the company increased by 116%.
TAS insurance group, which is among the top 5 insurers in Ukraine, collected UAH 659.75 million in 1Q2023 (~EUR 16.51 million), which is 21.6% more than in the same period last year, Forinsirer reports.
The Presidium of the MTIBU approved the Procedure for organizing and holding a competition to determine candidates for the MTIBU General Director position, according to a press release from the MTIBU (Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine).
According to the results of the first quarter of 2023, MTIBU made 2.1 thousand payments from the Bureau's Victim Protection Fund for a total of UAH 113.9 million (~EUR 2.85 million).
On April 10, 2023, duties of the General Director of the Motor Transport Bureau of Ukraine were temporarily assigned to Elena KOVALEVA, Financial Director-Chief Accountant of MTIBU. Performance of all functions and ensuring the activities of the MTIBU is carried out as usual, according to a press release from the MTIBU (Motor Transport Bureau of Ukraine).
At the general meeting of the VUSO and ASKA management on March 22, 2023, it was finally decided to merge ASKA insurance company to VUSO and continue to work under a single brand. At the same time, all assets and liabilities of ASKA are transferred to VUSO, Forinsurer reports.
Total GWP in 2022 decreased by about 19% to UAH 39.6 billion (EUR 1.01 billion), of which UAH 24.6 billion were received from individuals, according to the data published by the National Bank. Life insurance dropped by 17%, non-life - by 19%.
In the 4Q2022, the number of concluded MTPL contracts amounted to almost 2 million units, which is 13% less than in the same period in 2021. GWP on them reached UAH 2 billion, (~EUR 50.95 million) which is 6.2% more y-o-y, according to a press release from MTIBU (Motor Transport Bureau of Ukraine)
At the end of 2022, MTIBU (Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine) carried out 5.3 thousand payments from the Bureau's Victims Protection Fund totaling UAH 250.9 million (EUR 6.39 million). Compared to 2021, the number of payments decreased by 25.8%, and the amount decreased by 9.9%, the Bureau said in its press release.
Insurance companies ARX and ARX Life, which are among the top five leaders in the insurance market of Ukraine, summed up the results of 2022 and were able to achieve high profitability even during these times of maximum uncertainty.
The National Association of Insurers of Ukraine (NAIU) has joined Insurance Europe as an associate member, the European insurers' federation announced.
Euroins Ukraine, a subsidiary of the international insurance group Euroins Insurance Group (EIG), collected UAH 469.1 million (~EUR 11.95 million) in 2022, which is 20% less than in 2021, Forinsurer reports.
The overall assessment of satisfaction with the settlement procedure was 9.4 points on a 10-point scale, which is the best indicator for all three years of the annual survey of victims of road accidents, according to a press release from MTIBU.