STATISTICS: Estonian insurance market exceeded EUR 300 million at the end of June 2023

13 September 2023 — Andrei VICTOR
STATISTICS: Estonian insurance market exceeded EUR 300 million at the end of June 2023

Estonian insurers reported H1 2023 GWP worth EUR 318.8 million, 18.4% more compared with January-June 2022, according to the market figures published by the Estonian National Statistics Board. At the same time, the value of life & non-life paid claims and indemnities remained approximately around last year's value (~ EUR 200 million)

According to the published statistics, life insurance business was up by 5.1% to EUR 40.9 million (12.8% of total GWP), while the GWP of non-life insurers totaled EUR 277.9 million, 20.6% more y-o-y, due to impressive growths posted by property insurance (+20.8% y-o-y to EUR 76.3 million), MoD (+23.4% y-o-y to EUR 89.1 million), Motor TPL (+28.0% to EUR 64.0 million) and GTPL (+18.1% to EUR 10.0 million).

The largest insurer remained SWEDBANK Life Insurance SE (46.0% market share), while Swedbank P&C Insurance AS (17.6%) lead the non-life insurance segment.

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