CZECH REPUBLIC: CP was solving 1200 cases of stolen cars of its clients last year

21 March 2013 —

CESKA Pojistovna (CP) solved totally 1200 cases of stolen cars of its clients last year. Statistics show that structure of these cases was not changing during last years. European car brands are the most in danger and almost the half of all stolen cars was not older than 5 years. While burglars were focusing on new and luxurious cars in past, the number of thefts of older cars (for reserve parts) increased last year significantly.

"Last year we solved 1200 insurance claims related to car thefts and the amount of losses is huge. Average insurance settlement pay-out of Casco exceeds CZK 200 thousand" explains Pavel Martynek, Chief Director of Motor insurance division in CP. The most often stolen brand were Skoda (65% of all cases - this is not such a surprise according to its dominant position on the Czech market) followed by another European brands - Volkswagen (9%), Ford (4,7%), Peugeot (2,7%) and Renault (2,4%).

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CZECH REPUBLIC: CP was solving 1200 cases of stolen cars of its clients last year