North Macedonia


Location map
author: OCHA/ ReliefWeb

- Southeastern Europe;
- Neighbours: Greece, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria.

- warm, dry summers and autumns;
- relatively cold winters with heavy snowfall.

Natural hazards:
- high seismic risks.

Macro indicators
* 2018 estimates
Pop. density*:80.9people/km2
GDP*:10.7EUR billion

European Union:
Official candidate

Currency: Denar
Code: MKD
Since: 1993

Insurance market portfolio
* 2018 estimates
Overall Property*:17%
Overall Motor*:52%




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Macedonia 3Q2024 Market Portfolio

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Macedonia 3Q2024 Market Rankings

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STATISTICS: North Macedonia 3Q2024: double digit growth rates on most insurance lines

Macedonian insurers reported aggregate nine-months 2024 aggregate GWP worth MKD 12.18 billion (~EUR 198.17 million), 12.6% more y-o-y, according to the preliminary market figures provided by the Insurance Supervision Agency of North Macedonia.

Non-life GWP accounted for about 83.14% of the total GWP (MKD 10.13 billion, or EUR 164.75 million, up by 11.09% y-o-y) - of which MTPL (36.7% of total), property (17.17%), MoD (8.3%) and GTPL (2.47%), the remaining share of 16.86% being represented by the life insurance segment: GWP of MKD 2.05 billion (EUR 33.4 million), up by 11.5% y-o-y.

In terms of payments, the value of life indemnities increased by 17.2% y-o-y to MKD 707.3 million (EUR 11.5 million), while non-life claims totaled at the end of September 2024 about MKD 3.61 billion (EUR 58.8 million), up by 2.6% y-o-y.

At the end of September 2024, in terms of GWP, the largest non-life insurer in the country was MAKEDONIJA Insurance s.c. Skopje - Vienna Insurance Group (18.3% market share), while CROATIA (22.7%) led the life business segment.

Access and download the  North Macedonia insurance market statistics.

STATISTICS: North Macedonian insurers posted double digit increases in YE2023 business

North Macedonia's insurance companies reported aggregate FY2023 business worth MKD 14.3 billion (~EUR 233 million), up by 12.2% y-o-y, according to the preliminary year-end market figures published on the country's Insurance Supervision Agency website. Claims paid by insurers increased by 13.9% to MKD 5.8 billion (~EUR 95 million), of which MKD 5.0 billion - non-life payments and MKD 0.8 billion - life indemnities.

NORTH MACEDONIA: in August non-life insurers paid over EUR 5 million

All non-life insurance companies paid over 9,800 claims worth MKD 312.5 million (EUR 5.1 million) in August of 2023 alone. The companies paid for damages covered by insurance 22% (MKD 57.3 million) more than in August of 2022, according to the preliminary data submitted to the Insurance Supervision Agency (ISA) by all 11 non-life companies, the ISA said.