Total assets of the insurance companies amounted to TJS 612 million (USD 56.3 million) as of December 31, 2022, which is 16.4% more than in 2021, the press release said. The balance sheet capital totaled TJS 359 million (USD 33 million), increasing by 20.6% y-o-y.
The liabilities of the insurance sector reached TJS 226 million (USD 20.8 million), which is 10% more compared to 2021, the return on assets (ROA) amounted to 3.1% in the period, and the return on equity (ROE) - to 7.3%, which is an increase of 1.6 p.p. and 3.1 p.p. y-o-y respectively.
In 2022 the insurance sector in Tajikistan was presented by 16 companies (including one state insurance company and 15 private companies with 67 branches): Tojiksughurta, Muin, Mehnat, Eskhata Sugurta, IRO Spitamen Insurance, Itminon, Bima, Bima Life, Sugurtai Sharq, Tojik and China Insurance, Sughurtai avvalini milli, Insurance of 21st century, Sipahr, Takafful, DC Insurance, and Paymon Insurance.