Croatia osiguranje, 3Q2024: increased profitability sustained by the calmer weather in the period

31 October 2024 — Daniela GHETU
Consolidated revenue from insurance sales, including regional subsidiaries, amounted to EUR 392 million, up 12% compared to the same period last year. In 3Q2024, Croatia osiguranje generated a consolidated net profit of EUR 46.3 million, which is an increase of 43% versus 3Q2023, when storm damage negatively impacted profits in the period.

The digital business segment has continued its upward trend through the first nine months of 2024, with total digital premium income rising by 33% and a 12% increase in users of the Moja Croatia mobile app. The digital brand LAQO saw a premium increase of 34%.

Croatia osiguranje also sustained its investment in high-standard private healthcare, investing over EUR 20 million in the past three years. Croatia Polyclinics, located in nine cities across Croatia, offer cutting-edge medical services. In the first three quarters of 2024, the Croatia Polyclinic posted a revenue growth of 52%, bolstered by the inclusion of Marin Med Polyclinic's revenues as of June 2024.

Additionally, the benefits package Spektr continues to exceed its goals, with over 78,000 households and 103,000 members participating in its offerings just a year and a half after launch.