POLAND: PLN 500 million more for this year's subsidies to agricultural insurance

4 October 2021 —
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development announced that the amount of subsidies to premiums for insurance of crops and livestock allocated in the state budget for 2021 has been increased, Gazeta Ubezpieczeniowa reports.

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development informed that additional funds in the amount of PLN 500 million were allocated to subsidies to insurance premiums. Increasing the subsidy by such an amount means that in 2021 PLN 900 million (~EUR 196.5 million*) will be allocated to subsidies. In the opinion of the Ministry of Agriculture, this should enable all interested agricultural producers to conclude insurance contracts with a subsidy from the state budget.

Subsidized agricultural policies can be concluded with seven insurance companies so far: Pocztowe TUW, VH Oddzial w Polsce, PZU SA, Generali TU, InterRisk, TUW "TUW" and TUZ Ubezpieczenia.

*~1 EUR = 4.58 PLN