STATISTICS: Estonia Q3 2021: insurers' business rises almost EUR 10 m vs. Q3 2020

10 November 2021 —
STATISTICS: Estonia Q3 2021: insurers' business rises almost EUR 10 m vs. Q3 2020
Estonian insurers posted Q3 2021 GWP of EUR 359 million, 2.7% more y-o-y or EUR 9.3 million in absolute value, according to the market figures published by the Estonian National Statistics Board.

The life segment was down by 3.6% to EUR 60 million (16.8% of total GWP) due to double-digit decreases reported by term life insurance (-12%), endowment insurance (-10%) and pension insurance (-28%), while the GWP by Estonian non-life insurers totaled EUR 299 million, up by 4% y-o-y.

In terms of GWP, among the five life insurers, the largest insurer remained SWEDBANK Life Insurance SE (46.85% market share), while If P&C Insurance As (19.42%) lead the non-life insurance segment.

Access XPRIMM Database and download the 3Q2021 Estonian insurance market statistics.