STATISTICS: KOSOVO, 3Q2020: Insurers reported profits of almost EUR 5 million at end-September

3 December 2020 —
STATISTICS: KOSOVO, 3Q2020: Insurers reported profits of almost EUR 5 million at end-September
Kosovo insurers posted a net profit of EUR 4.9 million in the nine months through September, compared to a net loss of EUR -0.8 million a year earlier, Central Bank monthly figures showed.

Gross written premiums from non-life insurance totaled EUR 71.39 million, down from 73.30 million, according to "Insurance Companies Activity" published by CBK, while life insurance premiums increased to EUR 2.7 million from EUR 2.6 million, according to "Financial System - Monthly Information" released by the market authority.

Total gross claims paid decreased EUR 1 million to EUR 36.9 million.

The assets held by Kosovo insurance companies increased to EUR 214.3 million as of September 30th, 2020 from EUR 196.1 million a year earlier.

The figures comprise data for 13 insurance companies operating in Kosovo, 11 - non-life insurers and two life companies.

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