VIDEO: The second edition of Georgian International Insurance Conference, broadcasted live on YouTube

18 November 2020 —
The second edition of The Georgian International Insurance Conference is taking place in a virtual hybrid format hosted on Zoom platform and broadcasted LIVE on XPRIMM YouTube channel.

In the chair: Prof. Karel van HULLE, KU Leuven and Goethe University Frankfurt

The main topics of the Conference:
  • Insurance industry and its performance during the pandemic 2020
    Impact of the pandemics on the global insurance industry
    The Georgian insurance market - key trends and challenges
  • Health insurance challenges during the Covid 19
    Claims costs control - a key issue in the health insurance long-term sustainability
    Covering the Covid-19 risk: between customers' needs and business limitations
  • Digitalization - fast ahead under the pandemic pressure
  • Going digital at a high pace: asking the right questions, making the right choices
  • Improving customers' insurance journey through technology
  • Technology "behind the curtains": what customers never see, but provides for real benefits?

More information about the event you can find on the Conference page.